Meet the team who make it Happen.


Invest in Yourself

At The Valley, we want to help every student achieve personal and professional growth, by offering unique learning experiences in higher education, based on each student’s passions and inner motivations.

We empower individuals to believe in their dreams, capabilities, and potential for success. By fostering confidence, resilience, and a growth mindset.


Empowering Game Changers

The Valley, our mission is to create Life Changing experiences for education, through 4 to 8-week Startup Bootcamps in California, a place known for new ideas and opportunities.

Here, they will successfully carry out their startup projects using the Agile@School teaching method which is focused on the student by feeding their passion and inner motivation.

We are not just selling pedagogy or institutions; we are providing the tools and resources for individuals to unlock their full potential.

People First​

Our Bootcamps are Student Focused. We want to serve the best we can the expectations of our students and help to develop their passion.


André De Sousa

Founder & CEO


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